2011 Schedule
May 21st
June 11th
June 25th
July 16th
July 30th
August 13th (Amateur Day Race/Pro Race at Night)
August 27th
Class break down
1.) 5 Riders Make a Class!
2.) Parents, PLEASE place your child in the correct class. Kids will be moved if they are riding circles around the other riders- if they are not a true beginner do not put them in a beginner class.
3.) No knobbies on any bike or quad over 100cc's.
4.) Thank you and lets have fun Racing!!
5.) You can not be a beginner and an advanced rider on the same day!
Motorcycle Classes
Pee-Wee Motorcycle (1st Year Rider Only)
50cc Advanced
50-70cc Open M/C
65/85 Beginner
65/85 DTX
65cc Modified
85cc Modified
MAD DOG (70-150cc 4-Stroke)
Open Amateur (251cc and up)
Plus 30
Plus 40
Plus 50
450 $$ (14 years and up, Cost $35, and $25 goes towards purse)
Open Pro $$ (16 years and up, 100% Payback, Cannot Ride an Amateur Class on the Same Night)
Quad Classes
Pee-Wee Mini Quad (0-70cc, 1st Year Riders ONLY)
0-70cc Mini Quad
90-125cc Beginner Quad
90-125cc Novice Quad
90-125cc Advanced Quad
0-125cc Super Mini (Any Mini Quad Can Ride)
Youth Quad (Ages 12-18/200-450cc)
Blaster A
Blaster B (1st Year on Blaster ONLY)
Lipstick Quad
2-Stroke Quad
4-Stroke Quad
Masters (Age 30 and up)
Open Quad
Pro Quad $$ (16 and up/100% Payback)
Kart Classes
KT Motor Class
Open Flat Kart (Dual Motor, Twin Engine, etc.)
Cage Kart
Note: Kart Classes are $40 because you get 2 heat races, and a main event. This is not a Series Event.
If you happen to have ANY questions that are not answered here, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you in any way we can.